Rey Mysterio vs The Darkness
Client: Cartoon Network / Mighty Animation
Rey Mysterio vs la Oscuridad (Rey Mysterio vs The Darkness) is an animated series about a young boy who joins forces with his favourite luchador, Rey Mysterio. Produced by Cartoon Network Latin America and Mexican studio ¡Viva Calavera!, and created by Los Hermanos Calavera (The Skull Brothers).
Let’s get ready to rumble
Early in my career I was hired by Mighty Animation to work on the action packed first episode of Rey Mysterio vs The Darkness.
Despite being fresh out of school, and relatively inexperienced, I was very happy to animate on both scenes with subtle acting, and action. I was largely assigned shot’s with the antagonist, Wrecking-bull.
I was also extremely proud when I learned that my animation was the first animation you see in the release trailer (humblebrag).